Special Morale & Welfare Program

Most important: Contact 86 FSS/FSR, DSN 480-6035, as soon as possible when you have an SM&W request for specific guidance!
• Your request must be submitted 12 duty days prior to the function date to ensure plenty of time for the approval process.
• Your request must be approved prior to the function date.
• Include as many details as possible such as “guest of honor”, the type of light refreshment, and/or the number of military and civilians expected to attend.
• Guidance is provided for requesting SM&W Funding in AFMAN34-201.
• Confirm your SM&W request has been approved before spending money.
• Return all original receipts to 86 FSS/FSR for reimbursement no later than 5 working days after the function. Disbursement of cash will be issued the same day.

• Refreshments include a meat and cheese tray or items that were purchased in order to build a meal. Light refreshment under SM&W is defined as nonalcoholic beverages, (i.e. coffee, tea, milk, juice, punch, soft drinks, and water), yogurts, pastries, bagels, fruit, vegetable, cheese and cracker trays, pretzels, cookies, chips, dips, cake, and muffins are authorized. (heavy hors d’oeuvres which could constitute a meal and are not authorized).
• Light refreshments cost $3 per person attending. Light refreshments are limited to $3 per person attending (see the guidance in the FAQ section for maximum limits).
• Retirement memento regarding a Flag purchase except federal flags. NAF funds do not reimburse for a Flag for retirements. Check with your Squadron/Group Resource Advisor for Appropriated Funds available.
• Events fr which SM&W funding is requested may NOT be limited to specific grades or levels of personnel.
• Cake cutting fees. SM&W does not pay for cutting/plating fees for cakes, china, silverware/flatware, table cloths, plates, glasses, punch bowls and cups, chafing dishes, serving trays, coffee urns, etc.
• Memento for Distinguished Visitor. SM&W is not authorized.
About US
Special Morale & Welfare Program Funds are non-appropriated funds designated to contribute to the overall morale and welfare of the military community. The requirement for obtaining these funds is simple;
• Be conservative • Be in the best interests of the Air Force • Benefit the military community • Not be limited to specific grades or levels of personnel • Requests must be made 12 days prior to the function date.
Contact information
DSN: 480-6035
COMM: 06371-47-6035
EMAIL: 86fss.smw@us.af.mil
Monday – Friday: 0830 – 1700
Weekends & Holidays: CLOSED
Harmon Avenue, Building 2118, Room 220
Ramstein Air Base, DE