Contact information
DSN: 480-2032
COMM: 06371-47-2032
Monday – Friday: 0900 – 1500
Saturday – Sunday & Holidays: CLOSED
In-person appointments are not available at this time.
No walk-ins please. You can contact us via email or phone.
Building 2120, Lawn Avenue
Ramstein Air Base, DE

About The Education Center
The Ramstein Education and Training Center is here to assist with your educational and vocational needs. We provide CCAF Counseling, Tuition Assistance for Active-Duty Military, Testing Services, SkillBridge program guidance, Formal Training, and the Commissioning Town Hall.
Connect with Us!
Email: 86fss.ramsteineducationcenter@us.af.mil
SharePoint: https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/86FSS/FSD/FSDE
What We Offer
An official transcript from the university may be mailed or e-mailed from the registrar’s office reflecting your degree progress or graduation. E-mails are preferred to be in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format and must be the official transcript.
NOTE: Most official transcripts do not include your SSN or date of birth. If you have a common name it is recommended that you contact the school to ensure that additional identifying information is on your transcript or this office will be unable to locate you in MILPDS. If you were married and you have had a last name change, please ensure the last name on your transcript matches your AF records or we will be unable to locate you in the system.
Unacceptable Transcripts:
- photocopies
- student scans
- screen shots
- student unofficial copies
- faxes
For Enlisted:
You can either have an official transcript emailed to our org box:
Or you can have your official transcript sent to:
Attn: Education Services Counselor
Unit 3221
APO, AE 09094-3221
For Officers:
All Officer Education is managed through the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT).
AFIT Academic Coding Branch
2950 Hobson Way
Wright-Patterson AFB, Oh 45433-7765
Phone: (937) 255-6565, x4324
DSN: 785-6565, x4324
E-mail: afit.coding@afit.edu
Regulations and pertaining to applying for Foreign Language Proficiency Bonus Pay (FLPB) and Instructions on how to apply for FLPB Pay at Ramstein
CDC Test are scheduled by Unit Training Managers.
AFRAT, Weight & Balance, HazMat, FAA, TAPAS tests are request only at: 86fss.Ramstein@us.af.mil
Follow link (in HTML) for Ramstein Testing Center scheduling and guidance: Ramstein Testing Center Schedule
If you do not have access to AF Share Point, Email us at: 86fss.Ramstein@us.af.mil
Allow up to 72 duty hours for AFVEC test requests to be acknowledged. Upcoming testing sessions are closed 72 duty hours prior to test.
To test at the Ramstein Education Center, an AFVEC account (Air Force Virtual Education Center) is required. All AF, civilians, DoD, sister branches can create an account: through AF Portal or https://afvec.us.af.mil:
- In Profile, personal and contact information must be current.
- Supervisor information is within education records and must be current.
GI Bill Information:
- To switch over to the Post 9/11 GI Bill, you can do this online by going to www.ebenefits.va.gov or www.vets.gov.
- The direct link to change your GI Program should be this: https://www.va.gov/education/change-gi-bill-benefits/ and you’ll need to submit a VA Form 2-1995 online.
- Apply for Admission to your academic institution
- Decide which GI Bill® best fits your needs.
- Visit https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply/ to submit your application for benefits.
- The site will prompt you to complete the appropriate form 22-1990 (first time VA applicant)) or 22-1995 (returning VA applicant).
- You will need your Institution’s mailing address for the form
- Keep an eye out for the VA certificate of eligibility (COE).
- Submit/Fax your COE and completed VA Benefits form to your Institution
- Register for classes. If you use the Montgomery GI Bill®, the VA will pay you directly meaning you will need to self-pay during registration.
- If prompted during the registration process, give your consent for the institution to submit your course registrations to the VA.
- Your academic institution will submit verification of your enrollment to the VA after the drop period for your course(s).
- You may need to re-verify your enrollment on the last day of each month you are enrolled in class.
- Check with your institution’s VA school certifying official (SCO) to view the VA Enrollment Status (Rate of Pursuit) table for course load requirements.
Airframe & Powerplant Certification:
Most military aircraft maintenance technicians are eligible to pursue the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airframe & Powerplant (A&P) certification based on documented evidence of 30 months practical aircraft maintenance experience in airframe and powerplant systems per Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 65- Certification: Airmen Other
than Flight Crew Members; Subpart D-Mechanics.
Please click on the document links below for more information.
Air Force Cool:
AF COOL is run entirely by the AF COOL office at Maxwell AFB, AL.
To contact AF COOL, use the “Messages” option in AFVEC. Be sure to select “AF COOL”.
If you have never used Military Tuition Assistance (MilTA), the Initial Counseling Brief is required. If you have not used MilTA in over a year, Refresher counseling is required. There are TWO ways to obtain the briefing:
- Click on the link to open the document. Please open in Adobe PDF. Read thoroughly, then sign and return document to our OrgBox: 86FSS.RamsteinEducationCenter@us.af.mil. Once your document is received, you will receive credit for attending the Initial TA Counseling Brief and your AFVEC account will be updated. You will also receive a follow-up email with additional information. Link: https://www.86fss.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/TA-Counseling-Brief-e-sign2.pdf
- For the briefing, please click on the SharePoint Link (CAC): https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/86FSS/FSD/FSDE to access the briefing document. Please open in Adobe PDF. Read thoroughly, then sign and return document to our OrgBox: 86FSS.RamsteinEducationCenter@us.af.mil. Once your document is received, you will receive credit for attending the Initial TA Counseling Brief and your AFVEC account will be updated. You will also receive a follow-up email with additional information.
CCAF Outage
On 1 Oct 2022, CCAF began migrating to a new Student Information System (SIS). Due to this labor-intensive process, regular operations will be paused for approximately 3-6 months. Targeted completion time is approximately late March, early April of 2023.
During this time, CCAF will NOT be able to:
- Process Degrees (including issuing diplomas and awarding degrees). Students will not be able to graduate.Update Student Records (including enrollments and credit applications)
- Evaluate Civilian/Military Courses, regular operations will be paused for approximately 3-6 months
- Provide a list of CCAF applicable courses from civilian or military institutions
- Provide a list of classes taken by CLEP/DSST.
- Provide CCAF Degree Plan templates (for Catalogs 2017 & 2022)

Civilian Tuition Assistance Program (CTAP) Request Process
Note: Students who do not meet the three-year eligibility requirement are eligible for CIV TA and should contact their respective CFT as necessary
CIV TA Eligibility Requirements
CIV TA Rules and Restrictions
NOTE: Eligible Civilian employees who are also AF Reserve military members are limited to $4500 Civilian and Reserve TA combined per fiscal year. The fiscal year cap cannot be waived.
CIV TA Education Goal Process
CIV TA Funding Request Process
Related Resources
The Ramstein Education Center does not manage spouse tuition assistance or scholarship programs. However, the following information may offer helpful information.
(https://mycaa.militaryonesource.mil/mycaa/) is a program designed to provide financial aid for military spouses (who are eligible) pursuing portable career fields. Specifically, MyCAA will provide up to $4000 in tuition assistance for spouses seeking monetary assistance for licenses, certifications, certificates, or associate degree. However, not every military spouse will be eligible.