Personal and Work Life & MFLC


Personal & Work Life services promote community wellness and assist with the readiness and resiliency of the force across the life cycle.  Services include intervention, prevention/enrichment consultation, and skills building designed to enhance work/life competencies for individuals, couples, and families.  The focus is on promoting, enriching, and improving work/home balance, resulting in increased quality of life and resiliency.  Activities will be educational and offered through individual and group settings to meet identified community needs.

Key Spouse Program

The Air Force Key Spouse Program is an official Air Force unit family readiness program designed to enhance mission readiness and resiliency and establish a sense of community.  It is a commander’s initiative that promotes partnerships with unit leadership, families, volunteer Key Spouses, the M&FRC, and other IDS agencies.  The M&FRC offers monthly socials and training opportunities for Key Spouses.  To support mentors, commanders, and first sergeants, Key Spouse Mentor, and Leadership Training can be scheduled on an individual basis.  Please contact the M&FRC for more information.

Heart Link

Heart Link is an Air Force program for new military spouses.  The quarterly class offers an introduction to Air Force protocol, customs, and courtesies, as well as information about installation helping agencies.  Whether new to the Air Force or new to Ramstein, all spouses are welcome.


Contact information

DSN: 480-5100
CELL PHONE: 06371-47-5100


Monday – Wednesday:  0730 – 1630
Thursday: 0730 – 1200
Friday:  0730 – 1630
Weekends & Holidays:   CLOSED


Building 2120, Lawn Avenue
Ramstein Air Base, DE
